Pedal power helping reduce Evotech’s carbon footprint
Staff at environmentally conscious building performance and maintenance company Evotech, are cycling their way to reducing their carbon footprint.
A number of staff at Evotech have signed up to the Government’s Cycle to Work scheme since the business wide initiative was introduced during lockdown this year. The nationwide scheme enables employees to save money on the overall cost of bikes and equipment, ranging from helmets to maintenance kits.
John Lumb, Business Development Director at Evotech said, “This year is proving to be extraordinarily tough on everyone, and we feel a duty to our people to help provide them with ways to improve their physical and mental health. With the financial support the scheme provides, our staff have been able to choose a bike they really want and feel motivated to use. Evotech is in the business of saving energy and reducing carbon emissions within our clients’ buildings, and the cycle to work scheme is just one of a number of initiatives helping us lower the carbon footprint of our own business.”
As the Coronavirus pandemic has led to people looking for alternative modes of travel, to avoid using public transport, cycling to and from work has become more popular and is the perfect way to start the day with exercise and fresh air.
On World Clean Air Day (8 Oct), the company launched new division Evotech Air Quality, specialising in indoor air quality (IAQ) monitoring solutions and associated technical services, for non domestic buildings. At the launch, the company pledged to help customers assess and improve the quality of the air in their buildings during the pandemic, and staff made their own pledges in support of cleaner air.
Engineer, David Greatbanks said, “On Clean Air Day I pledged to reduce my carbon emissions and I feel I’ve made a good start by cycling to work. Since I purchased the bike, through Evotech’s Cycle to Work Scheme, my love for cycling has been reignited. For some jobs, I’m able to leave my van at home and cycle to site with my tools safely packed in my backpack, allowing me to keep fit, avoid traffic and cycle right up to the client’s building, reducing carbon emissions and saving on fuel and parking.”
The company’s cycle to work scheme has been welcomed by employees of all ages, all with their own reasons to take up cycling and help cut emissions in the process.